Cheaper may be cheaper, but it’s never better.
For most Chapter Houses, food service is your largest annual expense. So, when it comes to making budget cuts, food service may be the first place you look. Totally makes sense. If you can get the same food service, but cheaper—why not?
Because it’s not the same. Cheaper food service often means fewer options and limited serving times. It may involve rotating Chefs with inconsistent menus. And it will likely result in mediocre food for your students.
But that’s okay, right? No one will notice. And surely no one will complain. Noooo.
Soon enough Doordash will be knocking at all hours, parents will be frustrated at the money their student is spending on takeout and students will eventually bail on the meal plan.
Now, cheaper isn’t cheaper at all.
It’s important to think about your food service partner as just that—a partner. That’s why GHC meets with houses regularly to talk about innovative ways to serve, how to trim house budgets and how to continue to provide healthy delicious meals for students. All to help houses thrive.
See? Now isn’t that better?