Favorite Food to Eat:
Scallops. Or any seafood, really.
Traveling Chef
Thomas is one of our “step-in-on-a-moment’s-notice” Traveling Chefs. He started with Greek House Chefs at Iowa State University in 2018, but was quickly bitten by the travel bug and is now jet-setting across the country, making friends and delicious meals at Chapter Houses everywhere.
Thomas has been gaining on-the-job training for the past 10 years, including time studying in Italy and eating his way through Europe. (If you’re going to be an inspired chef, Italy is a good place to start.) After his time in Italy we can safely say that Thomas is our go-to chef for authentic European cuisine.
As one of our most talented Traveling Chefs, Thomas is more than willing to jump on a flight at the drop of a hat to cover kitchens, train new chefs, and lend a helping hand for large events—especially if there’s a beach nearby.
If you could eat at any famous chef’s table, dead or alive, whose would it be?
Hands down, Anthony Bourdain.
Favorite Food to Eat:
Scallops. Or any seafood, really.