Please complete the form below. If your Chapter House qualifies for a sample meal, you'll hear from one of our team members.
WHO IS YOUR CURRENT FOOD SERVICE COMPANY?*Campus CooksCollege ChefsCollege FreshGill GrillingGKMLocal catering companyPrivate chefUpper Crust Food ServiceNoneOther
how many days a week should you be receiving lunch?* MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridayOthers
how many days a week should you be receiving dinner?* MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridayOthers
Based on your current contract, check all the services that your Chapter should be receiving (check all that apply) Full pantry for grab-and-goFlavored water stationsJuice machineSoda machineCreation stations (The chef creates it to order)Fresh, local produceYour company pays for the dish servicesGourmet coffee serviceHot breakfastSpecial event services are free (Mom’s Day, Philanthropies, Parent’s weekend, etc.)
Do you have weekend service?* Saturday brunchSaturday lunchSaturday dinnerSunday brunchSunday lunchSunday dinnerNo, we don’t have weekend service
(All businesses have over-head costs. this information will allow us to tell you if your company is taking advantage or industry-standard overhead.)
Do you feel that you are getting what you're paying for in your current service?* worstpooraveragegoodexcellent
Thanks for reaching out! Getting an error? Make sure all fields are filled out and try submitting again.
If your Chapter House qualifies for a complimentary sample meal, one of our team members will be in touch.